The Pound
Bubbles & General Information
Bubbles are the currency we use here at the pound! All characters here cost a flat price of 50 Bubbles. These can be earned in one of three ways.
- Surrendering pre-existing characters to the Pound
- Creating new characters to donate to the Pound
- If you are a first-time owner within this group, you can claim 50 free Bubbles in Sudsy’s Shop – essentially giving you a free character to start out in our group with!
Submitting a character to the pound will earn you 30 Bubbles, both in creation and submission. If you're not interested in adopting a character, you can also visit the Bubble Shop!
Futher information on surrendering and creating can be found under the Buttons above!
If you have purchased a pre-exisiting character from the pound, please check our, Soapuppies, to see if they have a profile. If they do, either contact us within our Discord server’s help channel or submit a claim (Please don't use reports!) to have us transfer it to you! Please do not make a profile for characters newly created for the pound.
We do have a few rules in place to keep things fun and fair for everyone! The pound is moderated, and any repeated instances of deliberately breaking the rules may result in an infraction or ban.
- Please only purchase characters you want from the pound. We strongly discourage purchasing characters for the sake of trade fodder.
- Purchasing characters for three-way trades & gifts for others is fine!
- Characters from the pound may still be traded, but purchasing characters exclusively to use for trades is strongly discouraged.
- Any exploits or loopholes to earn more Bubbles or pound adoptions – such as multi-accounting, havings friends register for the sole purpose of adopting characters on your behalf, or exploiting MYOs and/or redesigns to bypass the monthly limit are strictly prohibited and may result in removal of your Bubbles and a ban from the pound or species, depending on severity. This is very easily catchable on our end, so please be fair!
- All MYO slots, adopts, giveaways, etc. have a two month ownership cooldown period in which they cannot be surrendered to the pound.
- Any created designs must have clear effort put into them. Base designs must have some level of editing or personalization done to the base, and all designs must have several colors with clear markings and distinctions.
- We do not have any restrictions regarding chibis, sketchiness, etc. so long as they are clean and readable! (Show Example)
- We do not have any restrictions regarding chibis, sketchiness, etc. so long as they are clean and readable! (Show Example)
- Characters adopted from the pound are free to be redesigned and used as any other characters.
Surrendering a character is to put a character you own into the pound. This completely forfeits your ownership and puts them up to be purchased by someone else.
General trade rules apply, meaning if the character has other forms (i.e. other species), you are forfeiting the entire character and all their forms that may exist as other species.. If the character has a, please make note of it in the surrender and transfer it to the Soapuppies account on the site. From there, it will be transferred to the new owner by us.
CBCs are freely allowed to be surrendered to the pound. You may surrender up to two characters per month.
Creating a design does not require any MYO slot, but there is a limit of two designs per month per user. To submit a created design, simply visit the prompt here, or at the bottom of the page, and follow the instructions from there!
These can use any traits from common to uncommon. Rarer traits may be added, but you must use your own items for them. (i.e., a design with two rare traits can be submitted, but two Little Loofahs must be attached within the submission.) You do not get any bonuses from using items to gain more traits!
CBCs are not allowed to be submitted. Music and media-based designs may be submitted, but they must be disclosed within your submission as per usual.