Terms of Service

Created: 2 March 2024, 05:39:51 CST
Last updated: 13 May 2024, 21:30:39 CST

Species rules:

By partaking in our species, you agree to these rules, so please make sure to read them over! We have a 3 strike system, meaning you’ll be banned after 3 strikes. Repeated breaking of rules will result in a warning, and then a strike or ban depending on the severity, though we do have the right to skip warnings in severe cases.

We reserve the right to issue strikes and bans based on things that occurred outside of the species if it violates our rules, or if someone is deemed generally unfit for our community even if their actions do not precisely fit in our rules.

Strikes can sometimes be appealed depending on the offense. We deal with all warnings, strikes, and bans in private and will likely not publicly provide information on it to avoid harassment or danger. Our banlist is also private, though some exceptions may be made if we consider the offender a genuine danger, and the proof is publicly available.

 General Conduct
  • We have a no tolerance policy for groomers, abusers, or harassment of any kind. If any community members are reported to be of this nature, it will be taken seriously and acted on accordingly with all parties involved if needed.
    • We also don’t allow proshipping content for everyone's safety and comfort, and we hold the right to ban you if we find this content on any accounts, even outside of our spaces.
  • Do not excessively spam advertisements within our spaces.
  • Do not gossip or negatively name-drop about other artists and species in our spaces.
    • This includes comparing any species to another, whether it be in a positive or negative way.
    • If there is someone you believe is a genuine threat to the community, please DM a staff member first rather than posting bewares in our spaces immediately.
  • Please respect any smaller rules we have in place, as they are there for a reason!
  • Do not intentionally try to find loopholes in our systems, traits, or anything else.
  • If you have any concerns or suggestions about the rules, please be respectful rather than starting an argument. We are willing to listen to feedback.


  • Items cannot be resold unless they were initially purchased for USD. We do keep track of which items were and weren’t purchased via USD, so please keep this in mind.
  • Soapuppies cannot be resold for more value than is listed on their masterlist.
    • If a Soapuppy has additional commissioned art, you can message a mod for appraisal, and the value of that art will be added to the masterlist.
    • MYOs with slots purchased via Duckies or obtained for free cannot be resold for usd unless they have additional value
  • Co-Ownership is allowed and will be logged on the masterlist, but there must be a main owner.
    • Co-ownership terms are the responsibility of the individuals involved in the co-own. Please handle disputes privately, but if moderators get involved, we will likely side with the main owner.
  • Disputes related to an individual’s TOS must be handled privately. Moderators will not get involved in these disputes unless it violates species rules.


  • Generally, we do allow people to get Soapuppy customs from people who are not a part of our team, though there are a few conditions:
    • Monetary customs, either seeking or creating, must be handled privately and cannot be advertised within our spaces. Seeking customs for items or art is okay.
    • You will still need to provide the items needed to make the design official.
    • Members may not make Soapuppy adopts of any kind.
  • Try to refrain from actively using Soapuppies that are not yet official (i.e. commissioning art, doing trades, drawing a lot, etc.). 
  • Creating Soapuppies of your OCs is allowed, but if the design is not yours, you will need permission from the original designer.
    • The USD worth of the OC will not carry over to their masterlist. 
    • If the Soapuppy version of an OC is traded, the OC it is based off of must be traded too.
  • We have the right to permanently void any Soapuppies found to be breaking our MYO or CBC rules. It’s unlikely this will be done immediately with no consultation, though.


 Character Based Characters (CBCs): 
  • CBCs cannot too closely resemble their source. This isn’t typically something to consider when making human/oid characters into Soapuppies, but should be kept in mind if the sources are already animals.Designs based on real people (including their mascots/personas) are prohibited.
  • Characters must be clearly stated to be CBC when uploading to the masterlist and when advertising in trade channels.
    • Accidental instances of not doing this will not be punished, but purposeful instances will likely result in a warning or strike.
    • Designs based off other things such as songs and a piece of media as a whole should still be disclosed as CBCs
  • Media or aspects of media with strongly harmful, offensive, and/or disturbing themes cannot have CBCs made off them. This will typically be decided on a case-by-case basis.


  • In most cases, voids will usually be accepted, but you cannot reinstate a void. Some exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis depending on the situation.
    • If you are a voiding a Soapuppy that you have not designed, you will need the original designer’s permission.
  • If you have been traded, purchased, or otherwise obtained a voided Soapuppy, you may ask for it to be reinstated within the species.
    • Loopholing of this rule to reinstate Soapuppies with the intent of giving it back to the previous owner will result in a strike for both members.
  • You cannot purchase a Soapuppy adopt or custom with the intention to immediately void it.


  • Exploitation of events or systems such as multi-accounting, cheating, telling answers to other members, etc. in order to get extra free things will result in either a strike or a strike and temporary ban, depending on severity.
  • We do not allow AI content of any kind. This includes AI generated art and designs, as well as art and designs inspired by AI generated art.