This is a list of known issues and fixes to them! Please refer to this if you are experiencing issues, or before reporting a bug to us. Thank you!
known Issues:
These are things that do not work either as intended or as wanted on our site. Full fixes are not available for some of these, but some simply need more time to be resolved. Most of these can be combatted by the methods seen in the below section.
- Image uploads unavailable on mobile:
- Gallery submission
- MYO submission
- Daily wheel occasionally says prize has already been claimed.
- Gachapon capsule occasionally drops no text.
- Uploading or updating images will still show their previous version/s.
- Updating image credits on an MYO will result in an error.
known Fixes:
How to combat most known issues.
- If you are not being prompted to upload an image on mobile, find 'Request desktop site' in your browser settings.
- If the daily wheel says it has not granted your reward, this is purely a visual glitch, and your reward will have still been granted. Check your item and currency logs!
- Gachapon capsules not giving you text for a drop means you have won nothing. This is a possible outcome at a low chance, and not a bug or a glitch.
- Preforming a hard refresh will most likely resolve any issues with out-of date images and CSS showing.
- Mobile: Find 'Clear site data/cookies' in your browser settings and clear them from the past hour. This should not log you out of any sites.
- Windows: Ctrl + f5 or Ctrl + Shift + R
- Mac: Cmnd + Shift + R
- To update image credits on an MYO, you will have to re-upload the image entirely.
Resolved Issues:
These are things that are no longer issues within the site and should now be functional!
- Visibility issues on themes:
- Circus: Link text, base text, navbar, headers
- Summer Fireworks: Link text, card text, buttons, navbar, headers
- Milo: Navbar, borders
- Minou: Navbar
- Alfred: Borders
- Comments unavailable on mobile
- Image uploads unavailable on mobile:
- Avatar updates