December Newsletter

Posted 4 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by slug

Happy new year! This will be a relatively short newsletter as most news for this month will actually be released on January 4th, both because the team has been pretty busy and because we have a few things in store for our first anniversary on the same day! However, we have a few small things.

Monthly Prompt:

This month’s prompt is resolution! Is there something your Soapuppy has set out to change or do more this year? Show that off! For a bonus, make it at least a fullbody!


  • Redesign items now have a small sale value attached to them! If you own any, you can sell them for the amount of duckies listed under their sale values. This will be permanent, but the value may change in the future.

  • The New Year’s Box can now be opened! Please open these before April 1st, as they are not permanent collectibles and we will need to reuse the item. If you haven’t opened yours by then, it will be deleted and you will be manually granted the contents.

  • Loot tables have generally been updated and fixed. If you’ve noticed anything dropping strangely or more recent things not dropping at all, that should be better now!

  • One of our moderators has created page on where previous assets from our events and sites will be posted. If you’re interested in that, check it out!


  • The Pound will be launching on the 4th! Our new currency for the Pound is called Bubbles 7-icon.png and a few unique items, such as Suspicious Soap, will be able to be purchased with it as well.
    • Per staff feedback, rarity rates for the Suspicious Soap have been slightly altered, exclusive traits are now twice as unlikely to roll, and multiple eyes and multiple tails have been adjusted to be rolled less as well. (This is due to the fact that they are the only modifier traits for eyes and tails, their drop rate was higher than most other modifiers)

Keep an eye out for something else special on the 4th too!

  • 🪱?


  • This is Discord-exclusive, but please remember to put any questions you have about the species, regardless of if it’s specifically intended for a staff member, within the mod help channel! This is to ensure a moderator can easily see it, and so others with the same question will be able to easily see the answer.

  • Please do not file reports for anything other than bug and user reports. Reports are only able to be viewed by a very small amount of our team who manage the site and user reports. If you need private help, you can submit a claim, ask in our Discord server, or contact a staff member. Thank you!
  • Signups and affiliate requests are currently closed due to an influx of bots. If you know of anyone trying to sign up, or would like to affiliate with us, please let someone of the Moderator rank know so we can either open affiliates or grab a sign up code! As of 12/22 we have banned all of the bots, but still need to work on installing a future prevention. Options for this are being currently looked into. We’ll be fully open again soon!

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