Site News

First Anniversary! & Misc.

Posted 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by slug

Hello everyone! A year ago today, January 4th, the official relaunch of Soapuppies took place! We’ve had so much fun working with this wonderful concept and building our incredible community, and we have a few things prepared to say thanks for the continued support from all members, old and new!

Duckie Raffle: PRZ-1000

The long-awaited #1000 raffle is here! We began this around October, and finished it in time for our anniversary. As per usual, Tickets can be purchased for 25 Duckies in Sudsy’s Shop, and you can enter once for free! For the sake of fairness, you can only purchase 10 entries, meaning you will have a maximum of 11 total if you've claimed the bundle!

This design is a collab between slug, mikeyway, zorua, and sam! It will be rolled on February 1st.

Anniversary Bundle:

For the next week, until January 11th, you can claim a free Anniversary Bundle from Sudsy’s shop with some exclusive prizes! Please open these before April 1st, as they are not permanent collectibles and will need to be reused in the future.

The Pound:

The pound is now open! In short, this is a place where characters can be created, or pre-existing characters can be surrendered, for other users to adopt with Bubbles!

  • Creating characters is essentially like creating an MYO, though an MYO slot is not required. You may use any common and uncommon traits for free.
  • Surrendering characters is turning in your pre-existing characters to the pound, thus forfeiting your ownership to a new owner.

Both surrenders and creations award 30 Bubbles each and have a limit of two per month. The Pound’s page has more detailed rules on everything, so please be sure to read everything through!

Surrenders will be closed for the first two weeks of the pound being open. This is to allow for an equal start between all users, regardless of how many characters each has.

Our team has created a few designs currently for purchase in the pound.

Additionally, The Bubble Shop is now open! More items are on the way, so keep an eye out!


  • Profiles have received a minor visual update. Collections and Awards have been reduced and size, but are now visible without being toggled
  • The FTO bundle has been adjusted. It is now free, but has less prizes due to the reduced price and inclusion of 50 Bubbles.

Now that we’ve found our footing, we’re incredibly excited for everything the future holds and how we’ll continue to improve and develop! Thank you all so much (and a special thanks to our staff team!) for your support and interest over the past year! ❤️

Reposted Reminder:

Signups and affiliate requests are currently closed due to an influx of bots. If you know of anyone trying to sign up, or would like to affiliate with us, please let someone of the Moderator rank know so we can either open affiliates or grab a sign up code! As of 12/22 we have banned all of the bots, but still need to work on installing a future prevention. Options for this are being currently looked into. We’ll be fully open again soon!

December Newsletter

Posted 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by slug

Happy new year! This will be a relatively short newsletter as most news for this month will actually be released on January 4th, both because the team has been pretty busy and because we have a few things in store for our first anniversary on the same day! However, we have a few small things.

Monthly Prompt:

This month’s prompt is resolution! Is there something your Soapuppy has set out to change or do more this year? Show that off! For a bonus, make it at least a fullbody!


  • Redesign items now have a small sale value attached to them! If you own any, you can sell them for the amount of duckies listed under their sale values. This will be permanent, but the value may change in the future.

  • The New Year’s Box can now be opened! Please open these before April 1st, as they are not permanent collectibles and we will need to reuse the item. If you haven’t opened yours by then, it will be deleted and you will be manually granted the contents.

  • Loot tables have generally been updated and fixed. If you’ve noticed anything dropping strangely or more recent things not dropping at all, that should be better now!

  • One of our moderators has created page on where previous assets from our events and sites will be posted. If you’re interested in that, check it out!


  • The Pound will be launching on the 4th! Our new currency for the Pound is called Bubbles 7-icon.png and a few unique items, such as Suspicious Soap, will be able to be purchased with it as well.
    • Per staff feedback, rarity rates for the Suspicious Soap have been slightly altered, exclusive traits are now twice as unlikely to roll, and multiple eyes and multiple tails have been adjusted to be rolled less as well. (This is due to the fact that they are the only modifier traits for eyes and tails, their drop rate was higher than most other modifiers)

Keep an eye out for something else special on the 4th too!

  • 🪱?


  • This is Discord-exclusive, but please remember to put any questions you have about the species, regardless of if it’s specifically intended for a staff member, within the mod help channel! This is to ensure a moderator can easily see it, and so others with the same question will be able to easily see the answer.

  • Please do not file reports for anything other than bug and user reports. Reports are only able to be viewed by a very small amount of our team who manage the site and user reports. If you need private help, you can submit a claim, ask in our Discord server, or contact a staff member. Thank you!
  • Signups and affiliate requests are currently closed due to an influx of bots. If you know of anyone trying to sign up, or would like to affiliate with us, please let someone of the Moderator rank know so we can either open affiliates or grab a sign up code! As of 12/22 we have banned all of the bots, but still need to work on installing a future prevention. Options for this are being currently looked into. We’ll be fully open again soon!

Winter Raffle results!

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by slug
Winter Raffles:

Merry Christmas (and happy Hanukkah!), to all who celebrate! Our Duckie raffles are complete now, and the winners and designs can be revealed!

Hot Cocoa

was a design done by zorua, and won by PhoenixRemixed!

Peppermint Candy

was a design done by slug, and won by Leo!

Congratulations to the winners!

Secret Soapuppy:

If you've completed your Secret Soapuppy art, you may now share it with your recipient starting now! These are still due on December 31st, at latest, but can begin being shared now.  If you have not finished your piece, please be sure to check your Discord DMs from soapyadmin to give us a confirmation on if you will need to drop out or not. Thank you!

misc. updates:

If you've claimed all the days of the advent calendar, you may notice something  new today! Introducing, the Suspicious Soap! These are a rare item that you can redeem to get a randomized traitlist to try and make a character off of! We've found these to be very fun to play around with, so we hope everyone enjoys!

As we have a large amount coming in today and due to the current holidays, we will be temporarily limiting these to 15 global submissions daily to reduce our workload, meaning you may not be able to claim yours right away. Patience is very appreciated with these!

Reposted reminder:

Signups and affiliate requests are currently closed due  to an influx of bots. If you know of anyone trying to sign up, or would like to affiliate with us, please let someone of the Moderator rank know so we can either open affiliates or grab a sign up code! (As of 12/22 we have banned all of the bots! Hooray!)

Happy Holidays! ❄️

Advent Calendar & Misc updates

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by slug

winter advent calendar

Our winter Advent Calendar will begin tonight at the site's reset! View it here:

If you would like to be reminded each day, you can grab the Daily Reset role within our Discord Server! A quick access link will be added to the nav bar shortly.

This includes some exclusive pets, borders, and themes, and, if you log in everyday, you can get a special new item we will soon be introducing formally!

misc updates & upcoming:

We'd also like to announce a few mid-month updates/advanced update notices.

  • Snowball Fight
    • We will have to delay the Snowball Fight event indefinitely, apologies! It will not be cancelled, but postponed until proper time can be allocated to work through some technical difficulties. It will still take place some time during December and January!

  • The Pound
    • Again, the pound will be opening in January! Alongside what was previously stated, we've also decided to include a shop using the pound's new currency. This will include some more gimmicky things, such as randomized MYO slots and some extra features for self-breedings. There'll be a few things in there from the start, but we'll continue to add more stock as we think of it! This combines features we've been brainstorming for a very long time, and we're very excited to put this into motion!
  • Traits
    • We are still currently working a lot on revamping and reworking our trait system to be clearer and more accessible.  With this will. come the updating of a lot of rarities and additions, removals, and spliting of traits. Due to the size of this update, we will not be able to provide compensation for anything changed due to the workload.
  • Dailies
    • Dailies will soon be making a change. The Daily Wheel and Gachapon Capsule will be decreased in availability (either by time incraments or by price), and, in turn, have their prize values slightly increased. These will be replaced with a new, free, daily to check in on!

  • General Site Maintenance
    • As we continue to prepare for our updates, please expect the possibilites of some oddities, error pages, hidden things, missing or incorrect data/values, etc., especially pertaining to the things above. Generally speaking, we will be aware of any of these issues as they will likely be due to incomplete features, but you are still free to report them. Just note we cannot guarantee any fixes or full functionality until January, so patience is appreciated!
Reposted reminder:

Signups and affiliate requests are currently closed due  to an influx of bots. If you know of anyone trying to sign up, or would like to affiliate with us, please let someone of the Moderator rank know so we can either open affiliates or grab a sign up code!

Notice on registrations & affiliates

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by slug
Quick notice! A recent bot spam issue in our members list has been detected by a few of our staff memebers and our current best course of action before we can properly counteract it is to close registrations and affiliates for now until it is fully dealt with. During this time, if anyone wishes to sign up for our site or submit an affiliate request, they may directly request an invite code or for us to temporarily reactive our affiliates. Sorry for the inconvinience, but we hope to get this handled ASAP!

December Updates & Events!

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by slug

Happy December, everyone! We’re currently occupied with working on some big updates for next year, but we do have a couple of things during this month to hold everyone over in the meantime! We’re also adjusting a couple of things early to account for our future updates.


Snowball Fight!

It's the season of snow and the season of giving – what better way to celebrate than pelting one another with snowy gifts?

From December 5th – January 15th, we will be hosting an event similar to the style of Art Fight! More information will be revealed on a newsletter on that date, but for now, the theme for our first ever Snowball Fight will be…

Sun vs. Moon!

This was voted from our Discord server. Keep your eyes peeled for the event!

Secret Soapuppy

Want something a little more guaranteed? We’ll also be hosting a Secret Soapuppy event! Sign ups and information can be found here:

Sign ups will close on December 4th, and pieces will be due by December 31st!

Advent calendar

We will be having a small advent calendar of items – including a few exclusive pets & borders – on the week leading to Christmas. More information will be announced later on!

Also, our adopt advent calendar is still open! Check it out if you haven't already!

pay-to-enter raffle designs

Two mystery designs currently have tickets up for sale in Sudsy's Shop!

These are 25 Duckies each! The raffles will be rolled on December 25th!

Toggle Spoiler

Monthly Prompt:
This month's prompt is first snow! Snow is beginning to fall from the sky and grounds are getting icy. How does your Soapuppy enjoy it? Or do they? For a bonus, make this piece a gift for someone else!

Site Updates:

  • The functionally previously planned for pets is ready to go; pet collections! If you have collected all the pets from certain groups, you will win a collection for your profile, and a small amount of Duckies! 
    • Don't have a pet from a past season or event? Don't worry! Out-of season pets are still winnable from dailies, events, and the random pet box in the pet shop!
  • Past event themes are now available in the theme shop at a regular price. All future event themes will be sold in this way, with a few month period of unavailability after the event.

  • Additionally, an item to receive a random past event border has been added to the stock! Note that you cannot receive duplicates with this item, so this item will not work if you have already received all past event borders. This is sold at a higher price than standard borders.


  • On December 20th, we will be having a mystery design gacha. Slots are $10 USD each! All proceeds from this will go to keeping our site up and running – plus a couple of cool new features!
  • We currently have the following updates in a near-complete state and will be releasing them early next year!
    • Weather and Seasons: A small change that implements weather to the homepage and displays the current season. This plays into something bigger later on!
    • The pound: An adoption center where users can create new designs or surrender existing characters in order to adopt new characters from the pound!
  • 🪱

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading, and happy December!

Winter Advent 2024 Sign-Ups

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Rose

Hey everyone! We are now open for guest artist applications for our winter advent! All info will be in the link below. Sign ups end on November 18th. Thanks for your interest!

Sign-Up Forum

Halloween 2024 Raffle Winners

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by slug

Hi everyone! First of all, thank you for partaking in our event! We had a lot of fun hosting it and hope everyone had fun participating. Secondly, and most importantly, the long-awaited raffle designs have finally been rolled and can now be revealed!

item Raffles

The winners for the Bat Treat Bag are...
astral-lotus, Emery64, Heartsofblack, Chesseroni, DannyRaptor, RamoftheEarth, Miles, MorbidMayhem, and GarageOleanders!

The winners for the Pumpkin Treat Bag are...
KatMage, little_angelbunkoolwench, RadientLapisN30N-UMBR30N, and AcuteExposure!

And finally, The winners for the Haunted Treat Bag are...
Demon_Zory, wakingbeast, and ovicorv!

All of these items have been distributed to their winners! These are mostly randomized prizes, minus the ones listed within the item descriptions. Note that these are not permanent collectibles, and will be rolled/opened and removed by staff on December 1st if they have not already been opened. Be sure to open these ASAP!

Design Raffles

Crossbone coin

Was designed by Rose, and was won by RamoftheEarth!

Ghostly Cupcake

Was designed by Miles, and was won by SMatsuki!

Colorful caramels

Was designed by slug, and was won by DekuJacealyFrost!

Blood Diamond Candy

Was designed by mikeyway, and was won by zunflowyr!

Content Warning: Blood

Thank you everyone for an awesome Halloween! See you in December!

November Newsletter

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by slug

Happy November, everyone! We’re in a bit of a transitional period right now, but here's a few updates.

Monthly Prompt:

This month’s prompt is Act of Kindness! Depict your Soapuppy doing something kind for themslevse or others! A bonus can be given if this is gift art for someone else!

Species Updates:

  • We’ve made a couple of edits to our traits!
    • Scented has been moved into Extras rather than Substance, and will now cover all plants on the body rather than just the substance.
    • Faucet Tail has been renamed to Bath Tail, and now covers the usage of more things, such as soap pumps, shower heads, and bath spouts.
    • Material Body has been added as a rare trait under Body Type! -The character’s body or body parts are made of a different material, such as fabric, plastic, or metal. This trait can function as its own trait, or can be used in addition with other traits.

      We will request users make a note of what material/s they are using in their MYO submissions just as we do with species and extra traits.

      While we’re trying to edit as many of these as we can ourselves, if you have any characters that require changes to their traitlists, please let us know either via a claim or in our help channel in our Discord server and we will edit them!

    • We are still slowly reworking our traits, so expect more changes like these in the near future. Compensation will not be given to traits moved in rarity, apologies!

  • Modifier traits are now listed as modifiers in their trait descriptions.

  • We’ve decided to slightly adjust the usage of the Hair Dryer item. From now on, it will only be useable in instances where users are refunding an item they had spent themselves, meaning prize, traded, etc. characters may still have traits removed for free, but will not have an item refunded for them.

Site Updates:

  • Characters now have a “Purchased for” value on their profiles, which shows their initial value before any value was added to the character. The sale value will still reflect the amount the character can be sold for.
    • If you character has an appraised value, please let us know so we can edit their page to reflect this!

Events & Upcoming:

  • Our Halloween event is still running for a while longer! This will continue until November 7th.
  • The Discord guessing game has passed, and we are now able to reveal all the designs!

    Apple Cider Caramel by sam

    Fluttering Stars
    by levi

    Toggle Spoiler

    Swirly Cookie
    by mikeyway

    by zorua

    Taffy Bar
    by Miles

    Haunted Chocolate
    by photokeet

    Colorful Candy Corn
    by zorua

    Brownie Bat
    by sam

  • The on-site raffles will continue until the event ends, when the remaining tickets will be sold on the owners’ behalf, and winners will be announced in a separate newsletter.

  • We have some major updates planned to begin around the beginning of next year, so keep your eyes peeled!
  • We will be having a relatively small Winter event running through the entirety of December.
  • We will be having a USD gacha by the end of this year! The designs are a total mystery until they are rolled for the user. This will either be im November or December.

Halloween 2024!

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by slug


Halloween 2024

Happy halloween, Soapuppies!  We have a simpler event this time, but still hope it's lots of fun! This event will run from October 15th - November 7th. Now, for a rundown on the activities!


There’s only one prompt this event, but you may do it as many times as you want! Draw your Soapuppy in a halloween costume! The minimum requirement is simply a clean fullbody. Each completion will reward you with 75 Duckies, a moderate chance to win food, and a small chance to win the event-exclusive items and raffle tickets. Your first entry will also award you the Halloween 2024 award!


The Duckie rates from our regular dailies will be slightly increased to make participating a bit easier. Event dailies are also back, only a bit different! This time, you can check in with us everyday to earn some tasty treats! These can be sold for a small amount of Duckies, or be used as food for our encounters! You also have a small chance at winning raffle tickets.


Encounters are back! If you're unfamiliar, check out the event section on the site guide! Explore new areas and try your best to choose the right options for a prize! Relax in the Pumpkin Patch, hang out at a Costume Party, or… Wait, what’s that over there?!

Trick or Treat street:

For a unique kind of encounter this event, you can go trick or treating at Trick-or-Treat Street! You will be given a random character to trick or treat with, and a random chance to win larger prizes. Watch out, though! Failing here will lose two energy points rather than one!

Halloween Hut:

We have a new event shop! This time, everything costs Duckies. There’s new pets, food, borders, and on October 31st, we’ll be adding a new theme, along with a special surprise! Not only that, but there’s something extra special… 

Mystery Raffles:

We have four raffles this time. The designs are a total mystery, including their artists. However, you may be able to be clued in by their appearances and written hints! The tickets for these will primarily be available in the Halloween Hut, but can also be won by other regards. These tickets can be resold for a small amount of Duckies if you do not wish to enter the raffles.

These may be confused for food items if won, so please be sure to check either the item tag or description to be sure of what you are opening. Food items are labeled as “Encounter Potions”, and raffle tickets are labeled as “Boxes”

Discord Game:

On October 30th, we will be hosting a game exclusive to our Discord server! This follows the same rules of our egg game for Easter, in which you will be guessing the attributes of a mystery design, and all the correct guessers will be thrown into a list of people to randomly draw the winner of said design from.

The timeframes will be as follows, but may be a few minutes off as these are manually hosted. 

9:00 - 9:30 AM PST
11:00 - 11:30 AM PST
1:00 - 1:30 PM PST
3:00 - 3:30 PM PST
5:00 - 5:30 PM PST
7:00 - 7:30 PM PST 
9:00 - 9:30 PM PST
11:00 - 11:30 PM PST

These are a few of our mystery designs, though there will be more to come and added here as they are finished! These will be chosen randomly and not in the displayed order.

ADditional notes:

  • Along with the design raffles, there are also raffles for item bundles! These drop at a lower rate than design tickets. Everyone may enter the item raffles once for free on the raffles page, and additional entries can be won or purchased in the Halloween Hut.
  • Encounter energy has been temporarily increased to 6 per day. Remember that this resets back to 6 daily, so make sure to only obtain as much energy as you can use!
  • The Duckies to Theme Token converter has been temporarily halved in price in the theme shop
  • All drops and rewards are subject to change if we notice imbalance with being too little or too much.

That’s all! Happy Halloween, and have fun, everyone!
